The Cosmic Cat Chronicles is an 8 part series of videos that introduce the main characters of Andrew Cahill-Lloyd's "The Visitors" Sci-Fi book. It is aimed at older children, teens and YA. It is a fun romp that carries a message for all ages.
The Cosmic Cat Chronicles Pt 1: Dax and the alien friends.
Bjorn and Zorn, aliens from the planet Aeon.
The Cosmic Cat Chronicles is an 8 part series of videos that is a prequel to, and an introduction to the main characters of Andrew Cahill-Lloyd's "The Visitors" Sci-Fi book. It is aimed at older children, teens and YA. It is a fun romp that carries a message for all ages.
The Cosmic Cat Chronicles Pt 2: Ptoni The Pteranodon.
The Cosmic Cat Chronicles is an 8 part series of videos that is a prequel to, and an introduction to the main characters of Andrew Cahill-Lloyd's "The Visitors" Sci-Fi book. It is aimed at older children, teens and YA. It is a fun romp that carries a message for all ages.
The Cosmic Cat Chronicles Pt3: Dax Meets Florence the Jersey Cow.
The Cosmic Cat Chronicles is an 8 part series of videos that is a prequel to, and an introduction to the main characters of Andrew Cahill-Lloyd's "The Visitors" Sci-Fi book. It is aimed at older children, teens and YA. It is a fun romp that carries a message for all ages.
The Cosmic Cat Chronicles Pt 4: Dax Meets Penelope The Adelie Penguin
The Cosmic Cat Chronicles is an 8 part series of videos that is a prequel to, and an introduction to the main characters of Andrew Cahill-Lloyd's "The Visitors" Sci-Fi book. It is aimed at older children, teens and YA. It is a fun romp that carries a message for all ages.
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